1. heaven, in particular, the highest part of heaven.
Redefining spiritual storytelling through riveting innovation, Roque Productions presents the original and immersive live show, Empyrean.
Currently in development, Empyrean will be masterfully told through world-class dance composition, cutting-edge acrobatics, daring aerial elements, breathtaking holographic design, and immersive performances. Empyrean is aligned to be the next great form of live entertainment.

Roque Productions was founded in 2017 by Luke and Bethany Roque with a vision to redefine spiritual storytelling​ for the masses. Aimed at bringing to life the greatest story ever told in a never-before-seen riveting, and innovative way.
Currently casting dancers, performers, musicians, actors, and writers, as well as project managers, line producers, and creative strategists. Explore our openings, and apply today.